New Directions / Book cover series Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 (Vol. 3 - Vol. 7 forthcoming)
Longlisted for the 2024 National Book Award
Tara Selter, the heroine of On the Calculation of Volume, has involuntarily stepped off the train of time: in her world, the eighteenth of November repeats itself endlessly. We meet Tara on her 122nd eighteenth of November: she no longer experiences the changes of days, weeks, months, or seasons. She finds herself in a lonely new reality without being able to explain why. How is it that she wakes every morning into the same day, knowing to the exact second when the blackbird will burst into song and when the rain will begin? Will she ever be able to share this strange existence with her beloved and now chronically baffled husband? On top of her profound isolation and confusion, Tara is painfully aware of, as she puts it, “how little the activities of one person matter on the eighteenth of November.”)
Book cover / Farrar, Straus & Giroux
American Illustration 35 / Book + slipcase + proverb
The book for the longstanding juried illustration competition released at the end of 2016. The book served as a love letter to a poison year fraught with the bubbled-over sociopolitical & economic tensions among citizens divested of power that have been around for centuries and finally tipped over.
Creative direction & design: MD
Art: Benjamin Marra
This is an A2 poster made as part of the Room Fifty print collection A Soap Impression: A Celebration of The Beatles. If you number among what I imagine are the tens of Beatlemaniacs who’ve long bemoaned that their memorabilia lacks sufficient contextualization with a popular religious figure, drugs, a 1960’s murder cult of some notoriety, the ways in which humanity perverts messages of love real fast and Billy Preston, I am delighted to announce that you can finally call off the search.
Printed in an edition of 100 in sizes A1 and A2
Artist book for LAY—OUT Press
3 color silkscreened cover printed by Heavy Gel
44 pages / Digital offset printing by SmartPress
Bound By Miller Sherwood in Burbank
First edition 2023
Book cover / Simon & Schuster
Cover illustration; The Virginia Quarterly Review. Winter 2022-2023. Vol. 98, Number 4.
The full list of written contributions to the issue is outlined here.
NY Times / Interactive illustration produced by and with Rumsey Taylor
Despite sympathies to the strain the modern world places upon our collective attention spans, anyone with a passing interest in how the halls of U.S. power operate when cameras are not in sight would do well to read and view this in full.
Reporting by Jodi Kantor and Adam Liptak.
Book cover / New Directions
Book cover / New Directions
For three decades, the legacy of the revered writer, editor, performer, and activist Essex Hemphill has been lovingly sustained through xeroxed copies of his few published works. They are as potent now as they were in the 1980s. With tenderness and rage, Hemphill’s poems unflinchingly explore the complex, overlapping identities of sexuality, gender, and race; the American political landscape; and his own experiences as a black gay man during the AIDS crisis.
Edited by John Keene and Robert F. Reid-Pharr, Love Is a Dangerous Word contains selections from Hemphill’s only published full-length collection, Ceremonies—named one of the 25 most influential works of postwar queer literature by the New York Times—alongside rarely seen poems from magazines and chapbooks. It serves as both an introduction to Hemphill’s poetic prowess and a treasure trove for those who have long awaited his return to the literary spotlight.
NYT Well / 10 panel comic
Book cover / Harper Via
The New York Review of Books / Editorial Illustration
The Supreme Court has invested the presidency with quasi-monarchial powers, repudiating the foundational principle of the rule of law.
AD: Leanne Shapton
Book cover / Verso
INQUE Magazine / The Last Person Who Knew Everything By Jay Griffiths
Art direction: Matt Willey
Book cover / Riverhead
Book jacket / Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Book cover; New Directions
Book cover; New Directions
Book cover; W.W. Norton
Art direction: Sarahmay Wilkinson
Book cover; New Directions
Art direction: Jaya Miceli
Little, Brown
Book cover; W.W. Norton
Art direction: Sarahmay Wilkinson
Book cover; New Directions
Art direction: Erik Rieselbach
New Directions
Art direction: Erik Rieselbach
New Directions
Art direction: Erik Rieselbach
Poetry Foundation / I erase you. You are erased.
Idea Vilariño, whose poems served as ongoing inquiries into her full-tilt affair with Juan Carlos Onetti and resistance to Uruguayan dictatorship in the early/mid '70's.
New Directions
Art direction: Erik Rieselbach
Poster for Poster House and Print Mag’s #CombatCovid campaign.
The full scope of the project can be seen here.
The New York Times Magazine / Cover + Opener illustrations
Art direction + Type: Gail Bichler
The New York Times Book Review / Photo-illustration of Robert Caro through the decades.
W.W. Norton
Art direction: Ingsu Liu
The New York Times Magazine / Cover + Opener illustrations
AD: Gail Bichler / Design: Rachel Willey
Art direction: Christopher Brand
Verso Books
Art direction: Andy Pressman
Soft Skull Press
Art direction: Kelly Winton
The New York Times Magazine / Cover illustration
Art direction: Najeebah Al-Ghadban
Süddeutsche Zeitung / Fiction issue 2019: Schwarkes Vögel. The story was a recollection of the young narrator’s work as a caretaker for a gruff client with aggressive macaws who governed his home.
Oh-So Magazine / Skateboarders, competition and mental block
AD: Rob Hewitt
Art direction: Na Kim
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Art direction: Na Kim
Soft Skull Press
Art direction: Kelly Winton
The New York Times Magazine / Cover illustration
Art director: Gail Bichler
W.W. Norton
Art direction: Sarahmay Wilkinson
Verso Books
AD: Melissa Weiss
Cover photo courtesy of Luis C. Garza, a longtime photographer for La Raza; wherein he captured youth from the Florencia barrio of South Central L.A. arriving at Belvedere Park for La Marcha Por La Justica.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Art direction: Rodrigo Corral
The New Yorker: Whiskey and Ink
Gary Greenberg on Leslie Jamison's The Recovering and what the literature of alcoholism suggests about the nature of addiction.
Art direction: Nico Schweizer
Art direction: Jason Ramirez
The New York Times A1 Graphic - 10/3/18
Document composite showcasing a sliver of the 100,000 pages of records, including confidential tax returns, revealing the degree to which Donald Trump benefitted from the wealth of his father.
ADs: Tom Bodkin, Kelly Doe, Fred Bierman, Wayne Kamidoi & Andrew Sondern
Restless Books
The New Yorker / Alex Ross on Bach: The composer has long been seen as a symbol of divine order. But his music has an unruly obsession with God.
Art direction: Chris Curry
Simon and Schuster
Art direction: Jackie Seow
The New York Times Magazine / Cover illustration
Art direction: Ben Grandgenett
The New York Times Magazine
How the appetite for emojis complicates Unicode's effort to standardize the world's alphabets.
Art direction: Gail Bichler
Art direction: Jaya Miceli
The New York Times Magazine / Letter of Recommendation: 'Shark Tank'
Art direction: Ben Grandgenett
On the merits of the show Shark Tank and its recasting of capitalism in its most idealistic light.
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Ben Grandgennet
On the merits of screaming—with particular regard to the quality in which it's deployed by Prince on Darling Nikki. Very challenging to argue against.
W.W. Norton
Art direction: Steve Attardo
Art direction: Paul Buckley
Photo: Godlis
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Jason Sfetko
The New York Times Magazine
"How the political climate has changed the pressures on players, coaches and others to speak out or be silent."
Art direction: Ben Grandgenett
Art direction: Christopher Brand
Penguin / Riverhead
Trio of book covers for Jon Ronson — The Psychopath Test, Lost At Sea + So You've Been Publicly Shamed
Art direction: Helen Yentus
The New York Times Book Review
George Prochnik and Frederick Crews are uncharitable to Sigmund Freud. On Crews' book: Freud - The Making of an Illusion
The New York Times Book Review / Cover illustration
Art direction: Jaya Miceli
Soft Skull Press
Art direction: Kelly Winton
The New York Times Magazine
"A new wave of analysts want to do away with contrived narratives. But if not for the stories, why watch?"
Art direction: Ben Grandgenett
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Jason Sfetko
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Raul Aguila / Arem Duplessis
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Frank Augugliaro
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Caleb Bennett
The New York Times Book Review
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
The New Yorker
Malcolm Gladwell - What Social Scientists Learned From Katrina: Many Katrina victims left New Orleans for good. What can we learn from them?
Art direction: Chris Curry
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Art direction: Rodrigo Corral
Drawings: Matthew Kramer
This American Life / NPR / PRI
Logo for the investigative journalism podcast hosted by Sarah Koenig. A brief interview about the execution of the mark can be read here (via Wired).
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Gail Bichler / Kimberly Sutherland
The Atlantic
Art direction: Darhil Crooks
The New Yorker / Fiction
Art direction: Chris Curry
The New York Times Book Review
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
The New York Times Book Review
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
The New York Times Book Review
Essay on JFK's inscrutability by Jill Abramson
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
W.W. Norton
Art direction: Chin-Yee Lai
The New York Times Book Review
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
The New York Times Book Review
Art direction: Nicholas Blechman
Art direction: Caleb Bennett
Neon construction: Todd Sanders/Roadhouse Relics
Photography: Matt Rainwaters
The Atlantic
Art direction: Darhil Crooks
Penguin Press
Art direction: Darren Haggar
Maxim / Typographic essay by David Copperfield
Art direction: David Zamdzer
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Drea Zlanabitnig, Arem Duplessis
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Gail Bichler
The New York Times Magazine
Art direction: Arem Duplessis
Soft Skull Press
Art direction: Kelly Winton
Penguin / Currents
Art direction: Jaya Miceli
The New York Times / Op-Ed
Re-vamped mark and signage for a public hero. Shepherded graciously by producers Molly Seavy-Nesper and Danny Miller